Reflection on Action

Reflection on Action is intended to be a meta-reflection on the S-PLC-Process. It is about a critical view on the S-PLC itself and on the ongoing processes within the group. Like the Reflection IN Action it can be seen as a form of formative assessment, which is necessary to make sure that the intended learning and development can take place.

Key aspects and questions which must be clarified are among many others: Does the group work efficiently? Does it support the individual professional development of every group member? Is the communication within the group satisfactory? Do established structures and processes have to be modified?

In the beginning Reflection ON Action is in the responsibility of the lecturer or the group leader. Over time it should pass into the hands of the student teachers.


The purpose of this activity is to evaluate attitudes, behaviours and skills that facilitate or hinder open and supportive communication within a small group.

Establishing Roles

The purpose of this activity is to raise awareness about the roles within a S-PLC and establish them at the beginning of a S-PLC.

The purpose of this activity is to raise awareness about the importance of documentation within a S-PLC.