Germany ME – Online event , 14/01/2022 (2:00 pm- 4:00 pm)
”Professional Learning Communities in the 1st and 2nd phase of teacher education”
Please register until January 7th, 2022 with Mrs. Brunner:
The method of PLC is used as a new university class concept for student teachers during the half year of internship. It is also applied in a class in the second phase of teacher education. At the network meeting, we will give an insight into the concept and the experience on how cooperative work in teacher education can be designed and accompanied in a more learning-oriented way by the method of PLCs. In addition, we will present the version of a PLG composed of mentors and student teachers in the school practice phase. Since PLCs are getting more common as the main cooperate format in some institutions of the second phase of teacher education in Germany, in the network meeting we give the chance to deepen conceptual and practical issues in groups of interest.
There is no charge for the event and the exchange will be run in German language. If international guests join, there will translation.
14.00-14.10 Uhr | Begrüßung | Welcome |
14.10-14.25 Uhr | Verständnis einer Professionellen Lerngemeinschaft | Understanding of a Professional Learning Community |
14.25-14.45 Uhr | Angebote des TePinTeach Projekts für Lehrkräfteaus- und -fortbildung | Contributions of the TePinTeach project for teacher training and professional development |
15.00-15.20 Uhr | Erfahrungen mit dem PLG-Format in der Arbeit am Seminar | Experiences with the PLG format in seminar work |
15.20-15.55 Uhr | Fragen und Beratung zum Einsatz des PLG-Formats in der eigenen Praxis | Questions and advice on the use of the PLG format in own practice |
15.55-16.00 Uhr | Hinweis auf Mai-Konferenz und Verabschiedung | Reference to May conference and farewell |
Summary of the ME
The invitation to the Multiplier Event in Weingarten, Germany, was addressed to members of schools and members of the second phase of teacher education:
„In the TePinTeach project, the PLC format is used during the school practice phase in supervision activities or seminars. At the multiplier event, we will give an example of how the cooperative work of students in PLCs can be developed to be more learning-oriented, which experiences we have made with their application during the internship, and how they can be accompanied in each case. In addition, we will present the experiences with PLCs for to-be teachers during the second phase of teacher education with its specific school practice phase.“
At that point members of the school were too much challenged by the pandemic to register. We worked online with a very interested group of lecturers of the second phase of teacher education and members of the University of Education who facilitate the semester internship in the first phase of teacher education.
After a brief input on PLCs, the goals and activities of the TePinTeach project were presented. Additionally, a colleague from the second phase of teacher education reported her experiences with how students there practiced PLCs and how she facilitated them. Afterward, there was a lively exchange on very practical aspects like how to start, how much to guide, time issues, and the connection to the assignments.