Professional Learning Communities

PLCs are internationally highly appreciated to serve school development and thus better pupils’ achievement (Vescio & Adams, 2015; Warwas & Helm, 2018). All partners deal in high expertise with PLCs in their institution, some participate in one and tend to adapt the concept to other groups in their institution, others accompany PLCs and do consulting, some do research and publish on PLCs. All partners have cooperated successfully in an ERASMUS+ project before.

If PLCs is an instrument of professionalization in the teaching profession and needs to be well established in schools, student-teachers, as soon-to-be teachers, should become familiar with it already during their teacher education at university. Courses on practical issues at university as much as phases of internship/practicum offer the opportunity to anticipate the later job, to practice and to reflect on this practical experience. The project ties to this idea and includes learning how to professionalize in university studies, in particular courses that go along with internship/practicum.

Together with the idea of experiencing the PLC work as students in internship goes the idea of mutual learning with the mentor-teachers. Those could get themselves up-to-date on modern scientific knowledge that student-teachers have available. The project’s target groups are (1) student-teachers, mentor-teachers; (2) school leaders, teacher educators/university staff and (3) leader/teacher (adult) educators.

Against the background of different university programs and traditions build up and experience different models of student-teachers’ PLCs (StPLC): (1) collect experience on long-term StPLCs (a couple of semesters) and on a short term (a couple of weeks); and also (2) develop exclusive student-teachers’ PLCs and combined PLCs of student and mentor-teachers. Furthermore, the consortium integrates the perspective of driving innovation and includes a group of school heads in professional development who learn how to foster the two versions of PLCs.

Since teacher education is a highly ranked and the PLC idea a big issue the project provides Intellectual Outputs on three levels: (1) academically required information on the status quo of StPLCs and the chances and limitations of combined PLCs of students and mentor-teachers, (2) materials to guide the establishment and facilitation of student-teachers’ or combined PLCs, (3) materials for the practical support of teacher educators who work with and support students’ or combined PLCs.

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Kansteiner, K. (2021). Merkmale Professioneller Lerngemeinschaften in der Differenzierung. In Katja Kunze, Dorthe Petersen, Gabrielle Bellenberg, Jan-Hendrik Hinzke, Anna Moldenhauer, Lena Peukert, Christian Reintjes & Kathrin te Poel (Hrsg.), Kooperation – Koordination – Kollegialität. Befunde und Diskurse zum (multi-)professionellen Zusammenwirken pädagogischer Akteur*innen an Schulen (S.91-101). Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt.

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Kansteiner, K. (2020). Lehrer*innenkooperation … gepriesen, kritisiert und weiterentwickelt zu Professionellen Lerngemeinschaften.schulmanagement 51. Jg., Heft 3, 36-39.

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Rist, M., Kansteiner, K. & Stamann, C. (2020). Professionalisierung von Schulleitungen über Professionelle Lerngemeinschaften – Skizze eines Forschungsfeldes. In Kansteiner, K.; Stamann, C.; Buhren, C.G. & Theurl, P. (Hrsg.), Professionelle Lerngemeinschaften als Entwicklungsinstrument im Bildungswesen (96-110). Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt.

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Theurl, P. & Kansteiner, K. (2020). Schulentwicklung und Entwicklung von Führungskräften mit Professionellen Lerngemeinschaften – Das Projekt HeadsUP. In Kansteiner, K.; Stamann, C.; Buhren, C.G. & Theurl, P. (Hrsg.), Professionelle Lerngemeinschaften als Entwicklungsinstrument im Bildungswesen (128-138). Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt.

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Kansteiner, K. (2019). Professionelle Lerngemeinschaften Perspektiven auf die entwicklungsorientierte Kooperation von Lehrkräften und Schulleitungen. Schulmanagement-Handbuch, 172, München: Oldenbourg

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Kansteiner, K. (2019). Gelingende Lehrer*innenkooperation in Professionellen Lerngemeinschaften. Dokumentation zum Vortrag am Vernetzungstreffen „Innovative Unterrichtsentwicklung“. R.f.

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Huijboom, F., Van Meeuwen, P., Rusman, E., & Vermeulen, M. (2021). Keeping track of the development of professional learning communities in schools: the construction of two qualitative classification instruments. Professional Development in Education, 47(4), 667-683.

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Alhanachi, S., de Meijer, L. A., & Severiens, S. E. (2021). Improving culturally responsive teaching through professional learning communities: A qualitative study in Dutch pre-vocational schools. International Journal of Educational Research105, 101698.

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Huijboom, F., Van Meeuwen, P., Rusman, E., & Vermeulen, M. (2021). Professional learning communities (PLCs) as learning environments for teachers: An in-depth examination of the development of seven PLCs and influencing factors. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, 31, 100566.

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Chalán Salazar, V. M. (2021). Comunidad Profesional de Aprendizaje en las Instituciones Educativas. Journal of Latin American Science, 5(2), 518-548.

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Krichesky, G. J., y Murillo Torrecilla, F. J. (2011). Las comunidades profesionales de aprendizaje. Una estrategia de mejora para la nueva concepción de escuela. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 9(1), 65-83.

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Bolívar Ruano, M. R. (2012). La cultura de aprendizaje de las organizaciones educativas. Instrumentos de Diagnóstico y Evaluación. REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 10 (1), 143-162.

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Skoulia, T., & Louca, T. L. (2022). Participating in online Teacher Learning Communities as a Tool for Pre-Service Teacher Education. Paper accepted for presentation at the National Association in Research in Science Teaching (NARST) Conference.

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