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Málaga ME – 12/05/2021 at Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación (Assembly Hall) & through Blackboard Collaborate:”Experiences of Professional Learning Communities with in-service and pre-service teachers”
17:00 | – Inauguración: José Jesús Delgado (Vicerrector adjunto de Relaciones Internacionales), Rosario Gutiérrez (Decana de la facultad de Ciencias de la educación) y Mª José Bueno (Coordinadora provincial de Formación del profesorado de Málaga). -Presentación del Marco de Referencia (Carmen Sanchidrián y Elvira Barrios) |
17:30 | Experiencias de Comunidades Profesionales de Aprendizaje con profesorado en ejercicio (Encarnación Jurado) |
18:15 | Descanso |
18:30 | Experiencias de Comunidades Profesionales de Aprendizaje con profesorado en formación (Aurora Carretero, Elvira Barrios y Carmen Sanchidrián) |
19:15 | Experiencias de Comunidades Profesionales de Aprendizaje de líderes escolares (Mª del Mar Gallego, José Carlos Duarte e Inmaculada Vicente) |
20:00 | Debate |
Summary of the ME
The Multiplier event ‘Experiences of Professional Learning Communities with in-service and pre-service teachers’ was held on May 12, 2021, at the Faculty of educational Sciences, University of Málaga.
With respect to registrations, 53 people registered (27 participated online and 26 face-to-face). Most of the participants were in-service teachers, tutors of teaching students, school heads and staff of several Teachers Training Centers.
The Multiplier Event opening was attended by the Vice-rector of international Affairs, José Jesús Delgado; the Dean of the Faculty of Education, Rosario Gutiérrez; the representative of the Provincial Education Department, Mª José Bueno, and the representative of the project, Carmen Sanchidrián. They gave a warm welcome to all the participants and underlined the relevance of this project.
With a focus on the Student Professional Learning Communities, a variety of topics relevant to the main theme was addressed as indicators of research output.
Elvira Barrios and carmen Sanchidrián presented the challenges of the TePinTeach project and its connection with HeadsUP project when most of the partners got in touch. They underlined the characteristics of PLC and their possibilities in the successive stages where the teacher’s professional identity is developed.
Encarnación Jurado focused on activities of the in-service teacher training program developed in her school connected to PLC, and Aurora Carretero, Elvira Barrios and Carmen Sanchidrián explained the implementation of three PLC with student teachers and their impact on teaching practice and student teachers learning.
Finally, three experienced school heads, Mª del Mar Gallego, José Carlos Duarte and Inmaculada Vicente, participated in a round table about PLC as means of permanent teachers training.
Speakers and participants could broaden the scope of the perceptions of best practices among pre-service and in-service teachers training by the use of PLC.
This Multiplier Event promoted a reflection on the role of PLC in the teacher’s professional development, addressing cultural practices and current social challenges.